For the best interest of our puppies and to ensure the integrity of the homes that they go to, Caribbean Dream Biewers puppies are not sold with breeding rights.
Available Puppies
Due to the high demand for our Biewer puppies, we found the priority waiting list to be the best option. The $500 deposit secures you a spot on the list and also counts as the first payment towards your puppy.
The families on our priority waiting list, will get to see videos of available puppies before they will be offered on the website.
You will be contacted via text message in order the deposit was received. We will send you videos of available puppies that got their pictures taken and you can either pick one or wait for the next puppy videos. The puppies that did not get reserved through this process, will be offered on our website.
Sometimes the waiting list might seem long to you but it won’t take long for you to pick your puppy. Families change their minds or due to unforeseen circumstances, a reserved puppy becomes available for you to pick. Some families are on the waiting list but aren’t really ready to get their puppy until next year.
Not everyone has the same color or gender preference. A puppy that might not appear ideal to one family, could be the one you have been waiting for.